Training June 24th

Took Monday off from training after helping coach at the CFKB Course over the weekend but wanted to squeeze in part of monday’s training in today

Joint Prep

3 Rounds
3 strict pullups
30 Second Front Foot elevated Samson Stretch (30R/30L)
30 Second Table Top Stretch (30R/30L)


3×10 Front Squat @ 87.5%
*That put my weight at 190lbs, was really really happy with this, I don’t know if I’ve ever 5 repped 190 and I was hesitant when I did my math, but I spend a lot of time this morning telling myself that I could 3×10 190 and what do ya know.. I did it 🙂

Athletic Development/WOD

5 Rounds
2 Muscles ups
5 Jerk Balances @35lbs

*Rest 1 minute between rounds
Felt really good on this, finally feel like I’m hitting a good rhythm with my muscle ups


Thistle Stairs
3 Rounds
1 set of stairs
10 Shoot Throughs

After the 3 rounds I did
4 Rounds
5 pushups on parallettes
5 dips
while i waited for zach to do his 4 rounds of stairs

Training June 18th

Joint Prep

Jump Progression


6×1 Power Clean

Warmed up did 2 reps at 165, was bugging my stupid rib and my elbows were slow so dropped it to 155, did 2 more and called it… really frustrated me

Box Squats

80% 4×7

*Base Box Squat Max off your True 1rm but drop to 90% if form is compromised
*After each set of Squats perform 10 x BACK Racked BARBELL Walking lunges 5R/5L

Box squats done at 225, kept the lunges light at 85 lbs, box squats were rough but that’s the heaviest i’ve gone for that many reps so i was happy

3 x Monster Set

30 Foot Hand Stand Walk
10 x Heavy Renegade Row (5R/5L)
12 x DB Bulgarian Split Squats (6R/6L)
10 x Double KB Rack Situps

*All 3 Monsters Sets are to be done straight through continuously while not for time move with a purpose

Handstands took forever, need to keep doing these since it seems i lost it pretty quickly, but i know they’ll “come back” quick, used 45s for the rows, 35s for the split squats and sit-ups

Athletic Development

knocked this out at the end of 630 class so it was a couple of hours after the previous work

5 rounds

20 seconds of beat swings
3 HSPU negatives to kipping hspu
5 mu ground transitions
3 close grip overhead squats (45lb bar)

*Rest 1 minute between rounds

Training June 17th

Part 1


Did 3 rounds of the Thistle Stairs, did 15 Abmat Situps after each set and then capped it off with 55 more to make it 100… yup I clearly need to work on stairs… pistols and front squats were a bad idea the day before 😉 didn’t realize I sucked so bad at high volume stairs… will be adding these in more often since i sucked so bad

Part 2

Joint Prep

Shoulder Mobility


Long Cycle Sprint Set
10 Rds (5R/5L)
1 Minute Work
1 Minute Rest
20 KG Bell, Goal of 18RPM

*Wasn’t able to do 18rpms without riding my clean into my jerk, was able to do 17s for 2 each side, then 16s, then the last one was 15rpms each side i believe, felt much better today on this set, just wasn’t able to hit that speed with proper reps, but still felt much better about my kettling finally

Training June 16th

Joint Prep

3 Rounds

6 x WindMills (3R/3L)
3 x Russian Swing
1 x Deck Squat


5 Sets of the Following complex
1 x Snatch, 3 x Snatch Grip Push Press, 1 x OHS

*Increase loads each effort rest 90 seconds between efforts

went 125-130-135-140-145(f)- so Z had me drop back down to hit 125 to finish on a good note. these felt pretty good, feeling like i’m getting my rhythm back on my olympic lifts

Front Squats

75% 3×9

did these at 160, all done, probably should have moved reps consistently faster


OffSet Weight Pistol Squats 5×10 per leg (Heavier then Last week)
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
Used the 20lb kb, same as last week, just focused on a lot better form than last week, felt much better overall this time around

T2B with a Negative Return 4×10
*Rest 30 seconds between rounds
not quite sure if you could really count my return as a negative return

3×10 Barbell Good Mornings (keep these lighter)

*Rest 60 Seconds Between efforts
did these at 85lbs


Press 5 x 1

*Immediately After each Set of Press perform the following Double KettleBell Complex

5 x Double KettleBell Clean
2 x Double KettleBell Snatch
4 x Double KettleBell See-Saw Press
*Rest 60 Seconds Between sets

used 85 for my press (i will get my press heavier one day, i will) and 35s for my kb complex, i love see-saw presses!!! double snatches felt weird, just haven’t done them in a long time but was fun to do them again. presses felt good, felt like i was able to move the bar with good speed, this is only 5 lbs under my arm (i know not very impressive) but i feel like fresh i could finally pr on my press, hoping by this time next year i’ll be able to press at least 120lbs, that has nothing to do with today’s training session, just writing it down so its out there


Pushup Ladder
Pushups are a big weakness of mine, snuck 1-7 in before the 5:30 class and then the 8, 9, 10 in during when there were breaks in coaching

quick little burner after classes

5 Rounds
10 pullups
10 ball slams 15lbs

3:31, this was awful, burned it down on the first round which made the next 4 rounds awful, pullups fell pathetically apart in round 3 😦 no bueno, arms were smoked from all of the previous fitness

Cool Down

3 minutes light air dyne

Overall felt good to have a good training session today, had a rough weekend after the passing of one of the guys that i grew up with. it was Britt’s cousin, and the family has been through so much loss lately it was devastating and another friend that was only 25, just heartbreaking, so it was good to just be able to come in and work out some of that hurt.

Training June 13th

Joint Prep

Beat Swings, banded dislocates, around the worlds


Power Clean from Blocks (Above the Knee) + 1 x Split Jerk


*5 Working sets work up to you heavy sets and then start the 5 efforts. I’m looking for more reps then MAXIMAL efforts. If you fail I’d prefer it only on the last effort.

*Perform these sets every 60 seconds 
Did this at 165lbs, felt really good today, felt like this was a good weight to work back in to my Oly lifting, might have been able to go a little heavier but it might have gotten sloppy and i needed to hit some solid lifts at this weight

I/C Super Set

3 Rounds

6 x Yates Rows
3 x Muscleups

Did the yates rows at 125, muscles ups first round went 1-2 rings were weird so once i adjusted them they were a lot better… 2nd and 3rd rounds I did all 3 UNBROKEN!!!!! sorry i was excited, this was a pr on unbroken muscle ups so being able to do 2 sets back to back was awesome, felt like i was in a good rhythm on them, the guys said my first transition was always really high so now i just need to figure out how to get them all like that 😉 glad to be able to work on these now just gotta keep up on them

Front Squat

5×5 @ 80% of 1Rm

Did this at 170, felt pretty good on these, especially in comparison to monday’s front squats


4×30 second Hollow Rock
3 x 30 Banded Pull Aparts
1×100 banded push downs



10 Minute OTM

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes or Until Failure, perform 1 x Close Grip Bench Press

Used 135, made it all 10 minutes, probably could’ve gone a little heavier, but didn’t have a spotter until i ran to get riley to spot me for the last 3 just in case, but was a little nervous to really push it, felt good though!


Double Dumbbell Complex

3 Rounds

10 x Bent Over Row
10 x Power Clean

*Rest 45 Seconds Between Efforts

Used 45s for this, worst part was the grip 


3 Rounds

20 box jumps
30 Double Unders
20 American Swings 35#

this my time was 6:20ish or so

Cool Down

5 minutes of light airdyne



Training June 11th

Joint Prep

GS Shoulder Mobility

3×2 Armbars


Longcycle 2min at 20kg at a pace of 15-16rpm (no hand switch)

Longcycle 2min at 20kg at a pace of 15-16rpm (no hand switch)

Longcycle 4min at 16kg at a pace of 18rpm ( 1 hand switch)

Rack hold 2x2min 24kg

*Felt super slow today, Monday’s increased volume definitely caught  up with me. Wasn’t able to hit my numbers which frustrated me, but it happens, I’ll get better

Box Squats

75% 4×7 (205)

*After each set of Squats perform 10 x Front Rack Walking lunge 5R/5L followed by 30 feet of HS Walking

Did the lunges at 95 and that was plenty, skipped the hs walks because my shoulders were fried ribs were buggin me by now 😦

Deadlifts – 

Did 1 Set of 5 at 225 and then 3, ribs were killin me and it was really gettin in my head, i know i just need to get over it and realize that it’s something I’m going to have to always deal with, was just one of those days it wasn’t happening

 These sets and Reps will be dictated by Feel the day of, but getting pulling in will be important

3 x Monster Set

12 x Weighted Stepup @ 20′ Box 35# KBs
30 x Banded Good Mornings
10 x Toes 2 Bar

*All 3 Monsters Sets are to be done straight through continuously while not for time move with a purpose, this may seem like conditioning but its not

Cool Down


*Was supposed to do athletic development but ran out of time


Training Tuesday June 10th

Joint Prep

Mobility Work

Conditioning Piece #1

20 Minute Row

Used it as a technique row, tried to focus on proper pull mechanics and not necessarily focus on split 
ended up with 4336 meters


Joint Prep

4 Rounds

30 Seconds Single Skips
10 Lateral Box Step Ups
10 KB Good Mornings


4 Rounds

4 Minute Amrap

45 Double Unders
30 Second Battle Rope
1 MInute Airdyne

*Rest 2 minutes between rounds

My double unders were awful today it was really weird, gonna take some time getting used to the battle ropes 😉

Training Monday June 9th

Joint Prep:

5×6 Windmills (3/3)


2-2-2-2-2 Snatch from blocks at hip height

so this is the part of my pull that i always miss, i can never keep it in the pocket so it’s definitely a position i need to work, with that said was originally planning on going a lot heavier but kept it at 105 to really focus on proper mechanics

Front Squat

3×9 @ 70% of 1RM (150)

This felt way heavier than it usually does, feeling the fatigue of the weekend and lack of nutrition


5×10 Offset Weighted Pistols (5/5)

*Rest 60 Seconds between

These were awful, only used a 20lb kb, you know it’s gonna be rough when your adductor cramps on your first one

3×10 Strict T2B with a negative return


3 rds

20 Box Jumps 20″
20 Cal Airdyne
20 Pullups
Row 200m

This took me wayyyy tooo long, was out of gas, did box jump up and step downs to not kill my knee, pullups went 10/10, 10/5/5, 5/5/5/5


5 Rounds

3 Strict Presses @85lbs

*Immediately followed by the following Single DB Complex R/L

5 Chainsaw Rows
2 Snatches
1 Push Pres

*Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Cool Down

10 Minute Light Airdyne

Training March 15th-19th

Been really bad about post the last week… not going to worry about posting what i did last week or Monday, but I’ll post yesterdays and todays

Wednesday March 19th

Not going to lie feeling low on energy. I know a big part of it is not eating nearly enough… body felt ok but about partway through my body just hit a wall and was like “nope you’re done”

Joint Prep

GS Shoulder Mobility


Work up to a heavy single on the Split Jerk


5×2 Splits 165… this is where my body started to rebel… missed a bunch and ended up calling it after the 4 set attempt… shoulder felt off, knee felt weird, mind wasn’t right

High Bar Squat

3×5 @155 focusing on staying upright and knees out

*kept it super light today since I wasn’t feeling great


5×50 ft banded horizontal walks

*Definitely looking forward to a rest day. Went home after to take an epsom salt soak… later today have to do the plunge challenge thing so I’ll call that my ice bath 😉 thank you Derrek

Tuesday March 18th

Joint Prep

3x 40 second accelerated airdyne intervals, rest 15 seconds between


3 Rounds

Ski Erg 300 Meters

*You have two minutes to complete each Run. Your remaining time within
the 2 minutes after finishing the run is your Rest.
*If you fail to finish a run inside your 2 Minutes you will be
penalized with a 2 minute Goblet Squat wallsit after the workout.

Rest 1 Minutes then Begin the following

4 Rounds

7 Sprint Burpees
30 Second Max AirDyne
7  Unbroken Toes 2 Unbroken

*Rest 20 Seconds Between Rounds

*Z had me ski erg instead of running or rowing to lay off my shins since they were buggin me, played it careful with the “sprint burpees” since Sky had just popped my anterior rib back in and burpees sometimes pop it out. toes 2 bar felt amazing though… overall time i think was 12:34.


Training March 9th

 Took Saturday off to rest so I could unfortunately redo the Open workout… I dont like redoing them but i knew i needed to be in the 16s and knew i was completely capable of it

Joint Prep

3 Rounds

10-15 Seconds of Beat Swings
10 x Lateral Box StepUp (5R/5L)
6 x WindMills (3R/3L)
5 x Banded Dislocates
10 x Around the World (5R/5L)

*Not for time but form and movement


Workout 14.2
For as long as possible:

From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats, 95 / 65 lb.
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats, 95 / 65 lb.
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats, 95 / 65 lb.
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Etc., following same pattern

*190, 14 overhead squats into my second set of 16… MUCH better on this one! Chest2Bars felt even better than Friday and Friday was the best they’ve ever felt… finished the 10s in 1:10 broke pullups into 5/5s, 12s finished @ about 130 I think pullups were 4/4/4s, 14s finished at around 2:15 way way happier with this, stayed nice and composed which helped a lot, pullups were 4/4/3/3s took longer breathers on the last set because i knew i had time and there was no need to rush… the 16s kind of fell apart went 8/8 on the ohs, and doubles/singles on the pullups, next 14 ohs were unbroken… tore my palms during my first set of pullups in the 14s but was able to keep moving through it which is a big mental win for me as well… 

Cool Down

Jog 800 Meters